Thursday 4 April 2013

Perfect Patterns

With the weather being so dreary (Still!) we are looking to cheer ourselves up and Vera Newmans bold monochrome prints and bright coloured patterns do just that. Even the lady herself looks fabulous, enjoy......

Sunday 17 March 2013


As mans best friend continues to take the lime light, there is not a lot to say except 'CHECK IT OUT'! Menswear Dog is the best take on mens fashion for years, long may it continue. 

Thursday 25 October 2012

Put A Sock In It

I've always been a fan of the sock monkey and if you get cracking now they make the perfect (if not a bit comic) christmas gift. A much better use for old socks than stockings, after all they're not really big enough to fit all the required presents! 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Weird & Wonderful

Our imaginations have been running wild over the Summer holidays and when we came across this image of a photographic shop disguised as a camera we couldn't help wanting to see more. These weird and wonderful pieces of architecture are such fun even if you don't fancy living in an upside down house. We wonder what our dream house would look like, probably rather ordinary in comparison to these!

Monday 30 July 2012

Joining in

As everyone is talking about the olympics we thought we would join in! Of course the sporty stuff is very impressive and we hope team GB win loads of medals but of particular interest to us were these stamps. Sir Paul Smith has done a lovely job for the Isle of Man and we especially like the Swimming pool, very David Hockney!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Green With Envy

With the UK being treated to a very 'British Summer' we are desperately envious of all those people who are jetting off on their warm and sunny holidays. However there is an upside, London has never looked so green, the vibrant hues are everywhere and the rain even improves their sumptuous look! 

Thursday 31 May 2012

Best Of British

Seeing all the amazing preparations for the Queens Jubilee has made us ever so excited to be British. There is nothing we love more than dressing up for a celebration and I think these guys have the best costumes ever. We salute the Pearly Kings and Queens for all their buttony faboulousnes!